Monday, November 29, 2004

no more turkey

Well...I have officially eaten my body weight in turkey...Baby Jack is sick today and it is no fun...I feel so bad for him when he is sick, he doesn't know what is going on...and he also doesn't know that he has to go to the doctor today and get 5 shots! How horrible a person must you have to be to give a four month old 5 shots?! Not as horrible as the one who gave my two month old 5 shots!

Thanksgiving was wonderful...we were with my family all week and just ate and ate and ate...feeling the effects of that now! I often get bogged down with loneliness here as a stay at home mommy and I don't take time to realize all of the blessings I have been given. I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful baby boy...he is really starting to babble and giggle and it is so cute...well, I don't have much to say's Monday and it's raining...

Sunday, November 28, 2004

first post

this is my first post...i am new at this, so i will see if i can actually come up with something intelligent or at least remotely interesting next time...probably not...