to my father: oh how we miss you and wish for just one more day
with you...but we take great comfort in knowing that the mark you left
on our lives remains and that you are now receiving your reward from the
Heavenly Father you lived your life for.
to the father of my
babies: you were born to be a daddy and i continue to fall in love with
you more as i watch you fulfill that sacred calling...thank you for
believing that this family is worth fighting for.
to my
father-in-love: thank you for always loving me as if i were your own,
for raising the man i love to be the father he is today, and for being a
hero to the two future daddies in my house.
every blessing in my life comes from my Heavenly Father, and i cling to the promise that He will never leave me fatherless
"I will not leave you fatherless; I will come to you." ~John 14:18