Wednesday, October 05, 2011

for my friend Sunday

what a beautiful service it was yesterday, to celebrate your beautiful life, my sweet looked dapper of course...we already miss you so but, as the pastor said, 'to be absent in body is to be present with the Lord' have left such a beautiful legacy and all the death in the world couldn't take that away...hope you approved of my a seat for me at the party...we will treasure all you have given us...until we meet again...

Farewell to Thee! But not farewell
To all my fondest thoughts of Thee;
Within my heart they still shall dwell

And they shall cheer and comfort me.

Life seems more sweet that Thou didst live
And men more true Thou wert one;
Nothing is lost that Thou didst give,
Nothing destroyed that Thou hast done.
~Anne Bronte

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