Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills...

Is it just me, or does anyone else have to try typing in those word verification things more than once almost every time they comment?!


Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Sweet Christine. Yes, 3 and half weeks until I am out of school. then who knows. Good thing I get paid till August. And, yes, I need to come see your sweet little house very soon!
peter is unbelievable. you will have to meet him soon. as you can see from the pictures, he's quite the looker! let me tell you!

Hollie Reese said...

On average I am a three worder...just can't get it right!

Carolyn said...

Hey Christine! I have to try at least twice, and sometimes several times to get the word verifications correct. I'm glad I'm not the only one! And I also had to comment because "I Feel Like I've Taken Crazy Pills" is one of my most favorite lines from Zoolander. :-)

jettybetty said...

I feel like doing word verification is kind of like an IQ test every time I do one--and most of the time I fail!

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills pretty often--not only when I am doing word verification ;-)!

Lindsey said...

HEY! Oooh, I may have to check out that book. We're doing two different sessions. One with preschool and Kindergarten and the other with 1st and 2nd. I need some more mature stuff for the 1st and 2nd, I definitely need to look at it. Thanks for the suggestion!

I should be seeing a lot of you in the next month. I hope you bring that cute boy to some practices, I bet he's gotten so big!

Kenli Shea said...

The word verification things throw me off everytime. I am still confused by the handicap sign to the right of them as well. Please explain.